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Dr. Partha Sarkar's Clinic
Welcome to Advanced Research Institute of Ano-Rectal Surgery
The Leading Institute of Eastern India
The Advanced Research Institute of Ano-Rectal Surgery deals with all types of ano-rectal ailments,
focusing primarily on Fistula, Piles and Fissure along with various other complications that include
Prolapse Piles, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctalgia fugax, Perianal Abseess, etc. The institute offers
state- of –the-art treatment under the brilliant guidance of accomplished ano-rectal specialist Dr.
Partha Sarkar, the Best Piles Doctor in Kolkata. It has so far delivered optimum solutions to the ano-
rectal problems for the past 25 years, detected in millions of people, achieving success in every case
and bringing smile of relief on every face.
This ailment being very common and has shown a sharp growth in the past few years is taken care of
and healed through modern techniques so as to give the patients faster relief. Early detection
through advanced procedures has helped in faster healing process. The Advanced research team
under the expert guidance of the Best Fistula Doctor Kolkata has opened a new avenue in the
field of ano-rectal treatment, reassuring a painless life for everyone.
Why Is This Ano-Rectal Surgery Institute Different From Other Ano-Rectal Surgery Institutes?
Ano-Rectal surgery is painless but the ailment is painful. So, why delay? Taking correct decisions at
right time may decrease the hours of pain forever. There are several reasons behind choosing us
and these are:
1. We are the pioneers of Ano-Rectal surgery and one and only clinic dealing specifically with
this problem.
2. Our success rate is 99.4%.
3. Proving our healing methods the best of its kind and bringing smiles to millions of patients
visiting us from across the globe which include U.S.A, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Canada, Nepal,
Bangladesh apart from all over India.
4. We offer safe treatment with best in class facilities, having recommendations from W.H.O.
5. We give faster relief through painless surgeries.
6. We hardly give you the second chance to visit us after the completion of your treatment.
7. We have adequate support system to offer time and treatment and take individual care
under one roof.

“Best Piles Doctor in Kolkata ” award ,with Hemamalini Ji and some Ministers, New Delhi on 23.03.23.
- Accepted & recommended BY WHO
- Accepted by Govt. of West bengal & Govt. of India / Ministry of Health also
- ' an ideal method and is probably the best of all the known techniques so far....98% had a complete cure without any complication.' (Dr. P.J. Despande & Dr. K. R. Sharma, American Journal of Proctology, Feb 91, Page 39-47)
- '...offers an effective, ambulatory & safe alternative.' (Indian J Med res (8)94, June 91, Page 177-185)

Biplab Chattopadhyay with Dr. Parth Sarkar
Safety and Acceptability
- The most famous Indian medical establishment, AIIMS, New Delhi is undergoing this procedure.
- This method of operation is going on in 10 different Govt. Hospital in West Bengal.
- AT present this method of operation is examined & verified by a team of Medical Scientists in toama Medical College, Japan and Tribhuvan University, Nepal. They have also proved that this cautery formulation which is used in our body is completely safe.
- A health related journal (Published from Ireland) has announced that this operation is done in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Japan and other developing countries also.
Why Choose Us Only?
Brief History
The operation procedure which we follow here at the Advance Research Institute of Ano-rectal Surgery was said about 3 thousand years ago in Ayurveda.
In 1967 Dr D. N. Udupa, MS, FRCS (LOND), the then Dean of Medical Faculty of Beneras Hindu University made some modifications & alterations in this procedure. He stunned the nation by successfully operating upon some patients by using this procedure. The then Indian Government acknowledged his feat by conferring upon him one of the highest civilian awards of the nation – “The Padmabhusan”.
Keeping the basic logic of the operation intact but bringing in a massive change in its procedure and infusing it with modern technology, Dr Sarkar is carrying forward this legacy here in Kolkata.

Pre / Post Operation Benefits
Following are some of the benefits among many pertaining to pre and post operations:
• No Huge money needs to be invested to carry out the operation.
• Operation cost is very nominal here and can be afforded by all cross-section of people.
• Operation requires no overnight stay in hospital. And even if it is requited then its of a maximum of 1 to 2 days.
• Operation does not require the patient to be full anaesthetized.
• Operation is practically without any blood loss & is stitch less.
• Blood transfusion is not required during / after operation.
• No complications like Incontinance, Stricture etc arise after operation.
• Practically there is no chance of recurrence as our success rate is over 99.4%.

A pioneer in the field of rectal surgery, Dr. Partha Sarker has been dealing with various types and cases of ano-rectal problems and their permanent solutions for more than 23 years. His method of treatment has been accepted world over and has been credited as one of the unique methods of treatment and solution. His high level expertise has seen even the most critical cases which failed to find remedy elsewhere getting completely cured.
Dr. Sarkar had been associated with Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata. He also has the experience in working at 4 Government hospitals. For the last 23 years he has been associated with various private hospitals and has attended numerous seminars and conferences in India and abroad which have added even more experience to his credential.
The treatment method that Dr. Sarkar follows has been recognized by WHO, AIIMS (New Delhi), PGI (Chandigarh) and a host of other boards and institutions. His method of treatment relieves a patient from the trauma of operation, long-term hospitalization, high expense to name a few. Patients return back to their normal life in a day or two.
To start up, Dr. Sarkar goes on an in-depth counseling session with the patient to find out not only the physical problem but also guide the patient morally and psychologically through out the treatment procedure. Tests and medical investigations are done as and whenever required before the operation. These are then followed by the actual surgery.
Cases Operated by Dr. Partha Sarkar

Why Choose Us Only?
Brief History
The operation procedure which we follow here at the Advance Research Institute of Ano-rectal Surgery was said about 3 thousand years ago in a Ayurveda Sanghita.
In 1967 Dr D. N. Udupa, MS, FRCS (LOND), the then Dean of Medical Faculty of Beneras Hindu University made some modifications & alterations in this procedure. He stunned the nation by successfully operating upon some patients by using this procedure. The then Indian Government acknowledged his feat by conferring upon him one of the highest civilian awards of the nation – “The Padmabhusan”.
Keeping the basic logic of the operation intact but bringing in a massive change in its procedure and infusing it with modern technology, Dr Sarkar is carrying forward this legacy here in Kolkata.

Pre / Post Operation Benefits
Following are some of the benefits among many pertaining to pre and post operations:
• No Huge money needs to be invested to carry out the operation.
• Operation cost is very nominal here and can be afforded by all cross-section of people.
• Operation requires no overnight stay in hospital. And even if it is requited then its of a maximum of 1 to 2 days.
• Operation does not require the patient to be full anaesthetized.
• Operation is practically without any blood loss & is stitch less.
• Blood transfusion is not required during / after operation.
• No complications like Incontinance, Stricture etc arise after operation.
• Practically there is no chance of recurrence as our success rate is over 99.4%.

A pioneer in the field of rectal surgery, Dr. Partha Sarker has been dealing with various types and cases of ano-rectal problems and their permanent solutions for more than 23 years. His method of treatment has been accepted world over and has been credited as one of the unique methods of treatment and solution. His high level expertise has seen even the most critical cases which failed to find remedy elsewhere getting completely cured.
Dr. Sarkar had been associated with Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata. He also has the experience in working at 4 Government hospitals. For the last 23 years he has been associated with various private hospitals and has attended numerous seminars and conferences in India and abroad which have added even more experience to his credential.
The treatment method that Dr. Sarkar follows has been recognized by WHO, AIIMS (New Delhi), PGI (Chandigarh) and a host of other boards and institutions. His method of treatment relieves a patient from the trauma of operation, long-term hospitalization, high expense to name a few. Patients return back to their normal life in a day or two.
To start up, Dr. Sarkar goes on an in-depth counseling session with the patient to find out not only the physical problem but also guide the patient morally and psychologically through out the treatment procedure. Tests and medical investigations are done as and whenever required before the operation. These are then followed by the actual surgery.
Cases Operated by Dr. Partha Sarkar

Online Appointment Booking
our success stories

Patient experience after operation

How Can You Contact Us For Ano-Rectal Surgery?
Probe Diagnostic
(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified and NABL ACCREITED CO.)
Reaching us is a matter of a few clicks or seconds of the dial so hurry up and reach us at
Postal Address: 121, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata 700014
(Landmark: Beside Loreto Day School, Sealdah and Opposite of NRS Medical College & Hospital. Calcutta, Bowbazar)
Mobile: +91-33-2227-1379 (10:00 AM – 9:00 PM)
For Appointment Call: +91- 9831762470 (10:00 AM – 9:00 PM)
Days of Patients’ Counseling: Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Time of Patients’ Counseling: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.