A fistula is a medical condition when an abnormal passage is formed between two parts of the internal body. Here, the epithelial lining of the body of the internal organs or the vessels is connected. The epithelium is nothing but the inner- lining of the organs. The tissues line the internal parts and help in the various functions like forming glands, secretion, selective absorption, etc. Now, when the epithelium of two organs are connected abnormally (due to illness, injury or other reasons), there is an uncontrolled exchange of fluids, liquids.
When an Anal Fistula is formed, an unnatural linkage is formed between the surface of the anal canal and the skin surrounding the anus. This may block the outlet for excretion and may lead to abscess. In the absence of treatment, the abscess can lead to formation of pus or clotting. The most common fistula symptoms here would be pain, irritation, spreading of the infection and other similar problems. The healing is often delayed due to prolonged filling of stool, urine, or other body fluids into cavities. Sometimes, they may break through any possible opening resulting in further infection. Patients already suffering with diseases like Croh’s disease, Ulcerative diseases, cancers, or inflammatory bowel diseases have a tendency to form fistulae easily. They can be singular or multiple in nature.
Many a times it has been noticed that the patient is unaware of the abnormality and continues to live with the Anal Fistula. There can be various causes: both natural and induced. The induced anal fistula can occur due to violence or such encounters.
The most well known treatment is surgery which is decided depending upon the acuteness of the situation and the suffering of the individual. In an aggravated condition where the tract is draining body fluid without central control, a surgery is the best solution to the discomfort. It has also been noticed that in rare conditions, the vagina or other pelvic areas may be connected to the anal-epithelium due to the fistulae.
Fistula symptoms are often physical in nature. However, detection can include tests like a fistulogram test where a dye is inserted into the affected area and X-rays are used for determination. In the past, when advanced Fistula treatments were not available, people used to suffer with the ailment for years and often also face psychological troubles and social ostricization. But keeping in mind the latest developments and being updated with medical news, one can rest assured that a painless, quick, and superior cure is available.